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We Asked Our Customers: Why Did You Choose BlackBerry Cylance?

VIDEOS / 07.03.19 / The Cylance Team

In this customer testimonial video, you’ll learn about the many varied reasons why our customers chose BlackBerry Cylance products and security solutions, what they like best about using our security products, and the impact we’ve had on their organizations - including effects on time spent managing security alerts per day, and their general work environment. 
Featured in this video: 

  • Daniel Shuler, Chief Information Security Officer at Phoenix Children's Hospital
  • Jack Callaghan, Senior Security Analyst at Pulte
  • Byron DeLoach, Director of Adaptive Services at Cybriant
  • Jason Palm, Senior Network Security Engineer at Cerdant
  • Alan Cunningham, Information security Officer of Washoe School District
  • Shawn Norman, IT Manager at Partners in Health
  • Michael Morrison, Director of Technology Operations at the Annenberg Foundation


Jason Palm: “We put it through its paces and realized it was legit, and realized something that we had to get involved with.” 

Byron DeLoach: “The reason we went with Cylance is because we felt like it was the best in class.” 

Jason Palm: “Right away we saw benefits from less overhead. From a management standpoint, Cylance is very easy to administer and then it gives us the insight that we just didn't have with the previous products that we were using.”

Alan Cunningham: “We had people calling the helpdesk asking what we'd done to their machines, because they were so much faster!”

Shawn Norman: “We used to have to spend all our days trying, all five people, to figure out what's going on throughout the environment.”

Alan Cunningham: “No more than half-an-hour total time a day managing Cylance.”

Jack Callaghan: “It helps you look at things and understand where they came from, what they are, and what they mean. It helps us also size our response.”

Daniel Shuler: “We made a 100% transition from the traditional endpoint protection to Cylance. It's the first t-hing and really probably to this day the only thing that I have complete confidence in where it was deployed, how it was deployed, and gives me that visibility I can rely on across my infrastructure.”

Byron DeLoach: “We don't use anything other than Cylance to protect our workstations. We don't see the need to burden our systems with extra agents.”

Michael Morriso: “We've had it installed about six months, but I can tell you that there have been at least two attacks that it's stopped that would've been probably catastrophic.”

Byron DeLoach: “Our adversaries are using best-in-class tools to hack our customers, so they need something that can protect them against that. In our opinion, Cylance is the only tool that meets that need.”

Ready to learn more about BlackBerry Cylance? Request a demo HERE.

The Cylance Team

About The Cylance Team

Our mission: to protect every computer, user, and thing under the sun.

Cylance’s mission is to protect every computer, user, and thing under the sun. That's why we offer a variety of great tools and resources to help you make better-informed security decisions.